BioEHS President Inaugural Address

I am honored and humbled to assume the Office of President of the Bioengineering Honor Society. For myself and on behalf of this club, I want to thank my predecessor for all she has done.

I want to recognize Anita for her role in the leadership, because she, not I, should have been the one becoming president today. Anita, you’ve given so much to this club - joy in a year as Social Chair and direction in a semester as EVP. We relied on you for each and every important project - two DWPs, the high school competition, a plethora of workshops, and countless socials. Your enthusiasm, your dependability, your natural and proven leadership - all these qualities made you the rock and backbone of BioEHS in this difficult time. I hope to be a worthy replacement of the great president you surely would have been.

For all of BioEHS - alumni, officers, members old and new - I want to apologize if this club has not lived up to your expectations. BioEHS needs to change after a year of stagnation, and it is the responsibility of this officer core to give the club the activation energy needed to revive it.

For we must make candidacy worthwhile to those who wish to join us, we must make membership meaningful for those who are a part of us, and we must make our actions useful for those around us.

My fellow bioengineers, fellow members of the Bioengineering Honor Society - the era of stagnation is over. Because today, the work to build a better BioEHS begins, and I hope to see all of you on the journey ahead.

Thank you, and good night!